Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Raw Vegan enters the Sahara . . .

This site has some awesome raw food recipes . . . when I get back we are having a raw food FEAST! AND I will make some Senegalese dishes as well. Perhaps we can render them raw-it has happened before! Love to my vegans ;-)

Friday, January 13, 2006

The BrotherShip Cometh !! The always lovely Danno-nator Posted by Picasa

My twin brother Dan and I . . . Coffee News Cafe, San Paulo, fall '05 Posted by Picasa

My first Blog is born !

Hello all,

(Basically myself at this point - how exciting!) This is my first-ever Blog, and hopefully it will serve my purposes well. Mainly, this is a place to show all of the wonderful things that I am doing in Saint Louis, Senegal while I am there studying this spring, but who knows - maybe it will take off.

More later!